This general elective introduces foundational mechanics in modern tabletop games and students get an opportunity to apply them to create their own tabletop game, serving a variety of purposes from conceptual prototyping, entertainment, education, or simply as a form of personal expression and interactive art-making. Attendance is a requirement as there are continual and formative assessments.

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  • ntumods

    NM Admin

    Year Taken: AY15/16, Sem 2
    Grade: B+
    This is an elective from NIE. The lecturer is a game creator named Mr. Tan, also known as Chub Tan by NTU Fastforward Club. He hosts arena in Singapore sometimes and you can join the game if you are interested. In which, I went to all events.

    At least 1 board game will be introduced in each lesson. Yes, you heard right. Basically you just have to play games for 3hours (or more) per week. This course contains 1 20% strategy report on 1 specified game, 10% class participation, and 70% final game product (including 600words design document). It is basically a free-and-easy class which you will really enjoy yourself while wrecking your brain to win the games.

    All you have to do to ace this module is to think of a decent board game and do a clear rule book on it. Your final product is graded by 2 groups of expert gamers to test your game. The main point here is to make sure that your game flows smoothly by just reading through your rule book. There should be no unsolvable conflicts without you explaining the game. However, the final grade is based on steep bell curve. I have expected to get an A- but got a B+ instead.

    There is also an extension of this module called Tabletop Game Design 2, where you get to expend your final product into a bigger scale.

    This review was reposted with the kind permission of Yunzi. Originally published at

    June 8, 2021

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