This course introduces painting at a basic level.

1. Technical skills related to the pre-production, production and post-production of painting.

2. Understanding of the elements of art and principles of design

3. Some historical references to Fine Art Painting practice will be made. Attendance is a requirement as there are continual and formative assessments.

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    Year Taken: AY 19/20, Sem 2
    Lecturer: David Chan
    Grade: SU
    Grading components: 6 Drawings

    I would recommend if you are comfortable with painting in general. It was a struggle for me as I had only tried painting on paper and not canvas. The canvas had lots of friction so getting your paint on there with the strokes that you intended was difficult.

    You are only made to buy primary colours & white so getting the colour that you want, e.g. grey was a nightmare for me.
    You are also taught how to have different gradient for the painting that you are painting to give depth.

    The lecturer will give comments to your final painting, which is a self-portrait, that literally tells you what grade you are going to get so you can decided if you want to s/u this module.
    Overall it is a fun & de-stressing course but if you are aiming for an A it would be very competitive.

    August 14, 2022

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