This course aims to provide an integrated understanding of how the human body works at the level of body systems, organs, cells and molecules. The content includes the concepts and skills required for understanding the common issues in health and diseases at the individual and community levels. You will gain a broad understanding of recent advances in physiology, and will recognize the value of research at the level of the whole organism. The course will prepare you for subsequent courses and careers that require an understanding of physiology, and will develop your critical thinking and communication skills

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By 01 reviewer(s)

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  • ntumods

    NM Admin

    Year Taken: AY 14/15, Sem 1

    I’m kinda glad I took this in Year 1 instead because there seems to be a lot of content to cover for the core modules in Year 2. Anyway, physiology has always been one of the main reasons why I took Bio so I naturally am inclined to study more of it.

    There are 3 parts to grading:
    1. Class presentation (you get 2 tries for this) 10%
    2. CA (MCQ) 20%
    3. Finals (MCQ) 70%

    Think my class presentations went pretty smoothly. For CA I got an A+ but it was really ’cause I mugged quite a lot for it.

    This review was reposted with the kind permission of Min. Originally published at

    June 27, 2021

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Easiness of Content
Manageability of Workload
Quality of Teaching