Modes of interaction:
Introduction to the importance of user participation in interactive media. Overview of the modes of interaction including implicit (passive, indirect) and explicit (active, direct) interaction. Identifying the following relational nodes in an interactive media project: user – object, user – user and object – object. Differences between active and passive interaction explored in relationship with semiotics of interaction.

Structure of Interactive project:
Analysis of three core elements of the interactive media project: input, processing and output. Introduction to the relationship between these elements and their influence on each other.

Semiotics of Interactive Media:
Discussions on meaning of action and participation(input) in relationship with the audio-visual system responses (output) in interactive media projects. Identifying and comparison of processing as another core element with other two(input, output).

Designing interactions and role of prototyping:
Identifying and developing conceptual frameworks for an interactive media project. The importance of the development and design of a project prototype. You will prototype ideas in order to experience your interaction designs before they go to the production stage.

Developing and producing interactive projects:
Identifying and project development through the following stages of interactive media production (in chronological order): development of a project demo, adjustment of the project goals and outcomes, production, postproduction.

Class assignments:
One core interactive media project that enables students to identify the following parts of an interactive media project: input, processing and output. The medium of project can be, but it is not limited to: interactive object, screen, website, game, projection, performance, soundscape, etc. Developed through self-directed learning with guidance, assisted with lectures, tutorials, class exercises, and peer/instructor feedback sessions.

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By 01 reviewer(s)

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  • ntumods

    NM Admin

    Year Taken: AY 16/17

    DM2000 is a major-PE for year 4 IEM students, but a core module for year 2 ADM students majoring in interactive media. I was so wrong about this module! Initially, I thought this module would be learning about interactive gestures on devices (like what animation / effect / transition after you press this button etc), however to my horror, this module is about developing a physical prototype using Arduino technology, and maybe Processing (if needed).

    Yeah, I didn’t know that interactive students in ADM learns coding and wiring too, so this was the worst ADM module I ever took, because my coding skills is bad. However, this module should be easy for IEM students who have taken Arduino project as DIP project in year 3 (which I did not as I was on exchange).

    For this module, I spent 1000% effort redo-ing my physical prototype 6 times. Plainly because I have no physical experience in designing a product (DA3000 only design product that lives in a digital file). For my project, I designed the casing using Illustrator, laser-cut each pieces and assembled each pieces into a whole product. The process was really tough as measurements must be super accurate for assembly to work.

    I learnt a lot from this module, but to be honest, this module is really really really really time-consuming.

    This review was reposted with the kind permission of Yunzi. Originally published at

    June 8, 2021

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