Any student who has successfully passed the Level 2 course (or its equivalent) is eligible for this course. This course aims to expand students language skills by introducing more complex sentence structures, colloquial expressions and language use in different cultural contexts. Students are introduced to the more stylistic intricacies of the language as idioms and metaphors are integrated into the syllabus. Classroom tasks in this course naturally demand a higher level of participation and hence incorporate learning through the use of audio-visual materials and class discussion. During the course, students are expected to use little or no English as the course is mainly taught in Korean. By the end of the course, students should be able to read, speak, write and understand written documents on varied topics in different forms. This course gives students practice in the skills required for TOPIK, a standardized Korean language test.

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  • ntumods

    NM Admin

    Year Taken: AY 19/20, Sem 1

    Class Attendance 10%
    Writing Portfolio (6 essays)
    Oral Exam (1 to 1) 20%
    Mid-Term Written and Listening Test
    End-Term Written and Listening Test

    Sorry, I don’t remember the percentages except for the oral exam. I did well for Korean Level 1 and Level 2, and I expected to ace Level 3, too. Unfortunately, the bell curve was even steeper than Level 2, and there was just so much more content. I was the only guy in my class, and the girls were just too good. They were not the best speakers, but they were pretty much getting close to full marks for the tests. I was below average for every assessment component, and I decided to exercise S/U.

    Every week, I had to write a one-page essay in Korean about random stuff, such as my family. These essays played a small role in my assessment, and getting below an A meant that I had to rewrite my essay. I stuttered a lot during the oral exam, and my Japanese speech habit came out a lot (あの。。えっと。。).

    In any case, I should have dropped this class after the first tutorial. What I learnt from this module is that girls tend to rekt guys in language classes (can something do a research study to see if this is statistically significant?). If I didn’t S/U, I would probably end up with a B for this module.

    This review was reposted with the kind permission of aLMSstudent. Originally published at

    June 28, 2021

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